Discover the latest HEB weekly ad, which is valid from May 17 to May 23, 2023. HEB consistently offers special promotions, allowing you to find incredible savings in specific departments and throughout the entire store every other week. Ensure a budget-friendly week by taking advantage of the excellent value on H-E-B Texas Pecan Pralines, Duracell Coppertop Batteries, H-E-B KODI® Drinkware, H-E-B Breaded Shrimp, H-E-B Texas Roots™ Produce Products, Cottonelle Ultra Clean or Comfort Care Bath Tissue, and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase items at great discounts before they run out.
Browse through HEB’s weekly sales and promotions to uncover amazing savings on Xbox One X, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch games, systems, consoles, accessories, video games, electronics, and more.