Discover the latest promotions of the ACME weekly sale, valid from May 12 to May 18, 2023. Explore the weekly specials online and uncover new offers each week for popular brands and products. Take advantage of the fantastic deals available this week and find additional savings on Beef Top Sirloin Steak, Lobster Tails, Jumbo Raw Shrimp, Perdue Boneless Chicken Breast, Pork Backribs or St. Louis Ribs, Sugardale Bacon, Dietz & Watson Cherrywood, Peppered or Off the Bone Ham, Dozen Roses, Lux Mixed Bouquet, and more. Make sure to grab the best weekly deals at ACME and bring home a variety of fresh favorites.
View ACME’s weekly specials to access the finest deals on high-quality items, including meat and deli products, seafood, fresh produce, snacks and beverages, personal care and health items, household and pet essentials, beers and wines, frozen food, bakery items, dairy products, baby care items, floral arrangements, and much more.