Explore the latest Target weekly ad, valid from June 11 to June 17, 2023. Target consistently offers special promotions, providing great savings in various departments and throughout the store on a bi-weekly basis. Take advantage of the discounted prices on your favorite items, including select men’s tops, shorts, and swimwear, men’s shoes, performance tops and shorts, bikes and accessories with a 20% discount, and select All in Motion and Ignite strength training gear with a 20% discount. Exciting deals await you, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to add value to your day!
Browse through Target’s weekly sales and promotions to uncover incredible savings on health and beauty products, pet and baby care items, fresh produce, snacks and beverages, meals and treats, wine and beer, toys and games, swimwear, kitchen and home appliances, movies and books, computers and TVs, electronics, cleaning supplies, personal care items, and grocery essentials, among others.