Uncover the latest Super King weekly specials, available from May 10 to May 16, 2023. Super King consistently offers special promotions, ensuring you can always find excellent savings throughout the entire store every week. Embrace the start of the season with reduced prices and take advantage of incredible deals on Roma tomatoes, blueberries, beef loin New York steaks, mozzarella cheese or Pepper Jack cheese, roasted and salted cashews, Pepsi products, fry pans, Coca-Cola beverages, Pure Life purified water, Melody napkins, Suavitel fabric softeners, and Zulka pure cane sugar.
Ensure you don’t miss out and make the most of your week by filling it with value! Explore this week’s Super King online flyer sales and discover limited-time discounts on wine, beer, and spirits, bakery items, deli products, mixed nuts, seafood, fresh produce, dairy goods, and meat.