Stop & Shop Weekly Flyer May 12 – May 18, 2023 (Mother’s Day Promotion Included)

Discover the latest Stop & Shop weekly ad, valid from May 12 to May 18, 2023. Stop & Shop consistently offers special promotions and you can find excellent savings in specific departments and throughout the store every other week. Make the most of your week by taking advantage of the savings and enjoying great value on items such as a Dozen Rose Bouquet, Stop & Shop Boneless Pork Chops or Ribs, Stop & Shop Red or Yellow Potatoes or Vidalia Sweet Onions (buy one, get one free), Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse or Swirl Bread, and more. Don’t miss out on the chance to purchase these items at fantastic discounts before they sell out.

Browse through Stop & Shop’s weekly sales and promotions to discover amazing savings on meat, bakery items, deli products, fresh and organic produce, seafood, household essentials, sweets and treats, health and beauty items, grocery necessities, pet and baby care products, frozen and dairy food, sauces, personal care items, floral arrangements, beer and wine, snacks and beverages, and much more. Take advantage of these incredible deals to maximize your savings while shopping at Stop & Shop.

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