Discover the latest Shaw’s weekly circular, valid from June 02 to June 08, 2023. Stay updated with the online Shaw’s circular, which offers exclusive promotions that provide additional discounts on in-store deals. Take advantage of the special sale prices on your favorite items, such as New York Strip Steak or Lamb Loin Chops, Smithfield Bacon (12-16 oz), Oscar Mayer Beef Franks (15-16 oz), Frozen at Sea Cooked Shrimp (26-30 ct), Lucerne Butter, and more. Don’t miss out on these unexpected products at incredible prices, and make sure to grab them before they’re gone!
Save with Shaw’s circular this week and enjoy limited-time savings on meat and deli items, fresh produce, beverages and snacks, bakery goods, dairy and frozen food, personal care and health supplies, cleaning products, meals and ingredients, household essentials, pet essentials, seafood, floral arrangements, makeup items, toys and games, holiday items, and grocery items.