Discover the latest Key Food weekly ad, valid from Mar 31 – April 06, 2023, to stay updated on the current offers. Key Food consistently presents special promotions, ensuring you can enjoy fantastic savings throughout the store every week. Take advantage of genuine deals without any gimmicks and select your favorites from a diverse range of options, including USDA choice boneless chicken breasts, Perdue oven stuffer roaster, bone-in pork shoulder, boneless beef bottom round roasts, farm-raised fresh Atlantic salmon fillets, Aqua Star cooked shrimp, creamy Hass avocados, and sweet jumbo cantaloupes. Take this opportunity to stock up on your preferred items and make the most of your budget.
Browse through this week’s Key Food circular and discover substantial savings on delis, meat, fresh produce, snacks and beverages, frozen and dairy food, grocery items, household essentials, seafood, canned goods, sauces, breakfast instant food, pet supplies, baby needs, floral items, beauty and personal care items, and bakery products.