Uncover the latest Giant Food weekly circular, valid from May 19 to May 25, 2023. Giant Food consistently offers special promotions, allowing you to discover significant savings in specific departments and throughout the store on alternating weeks. Keep your week on track with incredible value on items such as Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts, Jumbo Raw EZ Peel Shrimp, Navel Oranges, Mangoes, Green Bell Peppers, or 1 lb. Baby Carrots, as well as the opportunity to enjoy a buy one, get one free offer on Nathan’s Beef Franks, and more. Take advantage of these discounts before items sell out.
Browse through Giant Food’s weekly sales and promotions to uncover astonishing savings on deli items, meat, fresh produce, bakery products, seafood, sauces, spring supplies, household essentials, health and beauty products, dairy items, frozen food, personal care items, organic food, snacks and beverages, beer and wine, floral items, pet and baby essentials, desserts, and grocery items, among others.