Discover the latest Food Lion weekly circular, valid from January 18 to January 24, 2023. Food Lion frequently offers exclusive deals and discounts in various departments and across the store biweekly. Cut your grocery bill by taking advantage of significant discounts on a range of products such as Beef T-bone Steak, Food Lion Whole Chicken, Pork Loin, Food Lion Cooked Shrimp, Food Lion Ham, Red Seedless Grapes, and more. Experience Food Lion’s exceptional private-label products while grabbing unbeatable deals!
Take a look at the weekly sales and offers and discover incredible savings on a variety of items including home-cooked meals, meat, deli, seafood, fresh produce, snacks and drinks, dairy and frozen foods, beer and wine, bakery items, grilling foods, health and beauty products, home and household essentials, pet and baby care products, and grocery items.