Food Lion Weekly Ad Apr 26 – May 02, 2023

Discover the latest Food Lion weekly ad, valid from April 26 to May 02, 2023. Food Lion regularly features special promotions, and every other week, you can enjoy significant savings across various departments and throughout the store. You can keep your week on track while saving money with fantastic deals on products such as 73% Lean Fresh Ground Beef, Nature’s Promise Meat & Seafood, Whole Boston Butt, Fresh Chicken Leg Quarters, Taste Of Inspirations Ham, Blueberries, Golden Pineapple, General Mills Treats Bars Or Nature Valley Granola Bars, and many more. Take advantage of these great discounts before the products sell out.

Explore Food Lion’s weekly sales and promotions, and benefit from incredible savings on home-cooked meals, meat, deli products, seafood, fresh produce, snacks & beverages, dairy & frozen food, beer & wine, bakery items, grilling food, health & beauty, home & household essentials, pet & baby care items, grocery essentials, and more.

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