Explore the latest Food City weekly advertisement, valid from April 05 – April 11, 2023, and benefit from the online brochure that regularly features exclusive offers that provide further discounts on in-store deals. Elevate your Easter celebrations with excellent discounts on various products, including Food City Premium Honey Glazed Spiral Sliced Ham, Food City Fresh Ground Round, 85% Lean, Fresh Salmon Fillets, 8 Piece Fried Chicken, Peanut Butter Eggs, Oscar Mayer Bacon, Land O Lakes Butter, Unsalted, Half Sticks, Coca-cola Cola 12 fl oz Bottles, Tostitos Tortilla Chips, Hearty Dippers, Original, and more. Avail yourself of the stock-up savings to save more when you purchase more.
Take advantage of Food City’s weekly circular and enjoy the short-term discounts on deli and meat, fresh produce, snacks and drinks, sauce and seasonings, dairy and frozen food, bakery, seafood, floral items, grocery products, beer and wine, and more.