Explore the most recent Dollar General Weekly Circular, valid from February 19 to February 25, 2023. Dollar General frequently has special deals and discounts available, and you can discover fantastic savings across various departments and throughout the store every other week. Cut costs in every aisle and expand your grocery budget with excellent bargains on Dunkin’® McCafé® or Donut Shop®, Green Mountain® or Folgers®, Lay’s® or Sun Chips®, Gain® or Tide® or Bounce®, Angel Soft®, True Living™ or Sparkle®, and more. Consider trying Dollar General’s own brand of high-quality items and take advantage of great offers!
View Dollar General’s weekly deals and discounts, and uncover incredible savings on items such as personal care, health and beauty, frozen and dairy products, canned goods, household necessities, snacks and beverages, toys, baby and pet essentials, decor and gifts, grocery items, baked goods, cleaning supplies, and more.