Dollar General Weekly Ad Jun 11 – Jun 17, 2023 (Father’s Day Promotion Included)

Discover the latest Dollar General weekly ad, valid from June 11 to June 17, 2023. Stay updated with Dollar General’s ongoing special promotions, where you can find excellent savings in specific departments and throughout the store every other week. Take advantage of fantastic deals available throughout the store, including Lay’s Chips, General Mills Cereal, Folgers Ground Coffee or Dunkin Ground Coffee Bag, Budweiser, Bud Light, Coca-Cola or Sprite 12 pk. Cans, Pepsi or Mtn Dew, Oreo, and more. Make sure to take advantage of this week’s incredible deals and start your day on a positive note!

Explore Dollar General’s weekly sales and promotions to discover incredible savings on personal care items, health and beauty products, dairy and frozen goods, canned foods, household essentials, snacks and beverages, toys, baby and pet essentials, decor and gifts, grocery items, bakery products, cleaning supplies, and more.

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