Take a look at the latest Giant Eagle weekly ad, valid from May 11 to May 17, 2023. Explore the weekly specials online and discover new offers every week for popular brands and products. Take advantage of the fantastic deals available this week and find even more savings on Fresh Enhanced Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts or Thighs, Market District Boneless Chuck Roasts or Value Pack Steaks, Fresh Atlantic Salmon, Eckrich All Meat Bologna, Pepperidge Farm Buns or Rolls, Mixed Bouquets, and more. Make sure you don’t miss out on any deals this week and enjoy extra value and quality with the family of brands!
Browse through Giant Eagle’s weekly specials to find the best deals on high-quality items. You’ll discover great savings in departments such as deli and meat, fresh produce, snacks and beverages, seafood, dairy and frozen products, bakery, beer, wine and liquor, seasonings, grocery items, personal care items, health and home essentials, as well as household essentials. Take advantage of these offers and enjoy the best prices on top-notch products at Giant Eagle.