Discover the latest updates on the ShopRite weekly circular, valid from April 21 to April 27, 2023. Explore the circulars to uncover exceptional value and savings on a wide range of household and grocery products from your preferred brands. Take advantage of incredible deals on USDA Choice Beef Bottom Round Roast, Fresh Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops (Family Pack), Fresh Atlantic Salmon Fillet (farm-raised) from the Fresh Seafood Department, and Frozen Seafood Department Large Snow Crab Clusters. Act quickly to secure your purchases at remarkable discounts before they run out.
Browse through ShopRite’s weekly sales and promotions for an array of astonishing savings on deli and meat items, fresh produce, snacks and beverages, dairy and frozen food, bakery products, household essentials, kitchen supplies, health and beauty care products, personal care items, baking essentials, sips and snacks, lunch items, desserts, grocery necessities, seafood, seasonings, holiday supplies, floral items, and much more.