Discover the most recent Winn-Dixie circular, valid from April 12 to April 18, 2023. Winn-Dixie consistently offers exclusive deals, allowing you to save money on a wide range of products in-store every week. Take advantage of remarkable discounts throughout the store and seize this week’s exceptional offers on USDA choice certified Angus beef boneless top round London broils or roasts, skinless chicken breasts, wild-caught Dungeness crab legs, Ball Park buns, Kraft Maye sticky fingers barbecue sauce, Gain laundry detergents, and 12-pack Coca-Cola products. Don’t let these incredible bargains slip away!
Browse through Winn-Dixie’s weekly advertisements, offers, and sales, and discover astonishing savings on various categories, including packaged meat, fresh produce and meat, seafood, snacks and beverages, deli and bakery, organic food, dairy food, frozen items, baby and pet care products, health and beauty care items, grocery products, beer, wine, and liquor, home essentials, home gate items, fall favorites, Halloween items, and more.