Discover Food Lion’s current weekly advertisement, which is valid from March 29 to April 04, 2023. Take advantage of the online brochure regularly to access exclusive promotions that provide additional discounts to the in-store offers. Indulge in the special discounted prices on your preferred products, such as Food Lion Shank Portion Ham, Food Lion Spiral Ham, Food Lion Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, Beef Chuck Roast, Food Lion Raw or Cooked Shrimp, Homestyle Glazed Donuts, Hass Avocados, Green Seedless Grapes, General Mills Flavored or Oat Crunch Cheerios Cereal, and more. Unexpected items at incredible prices – grab them before they run out!
Benefit from Food Lion’s brochure this week to save money on homemade meals, meat, deli, seafood, fresh produce, snacks & beverages, dairy & frozen food, beer & wine, bakery, grilling food, health & beauty, home & household essentials, pet & baby care items, grocery items, and so on, for a limited time.